Tech Portal

Tech Portal

Getting Started on the ParentVUE Portal

Home, Messages, Calendar, Attendance ParentVUE/StudentVUE Menu Information


  1. Use the focus menu to select one of your children to see their specific information.

  2. The navigation bar contains links to records for the child. Some menu items might have been disabled by the school. Please contact your school if you have any questions about the information you see in ParentVUE.

  3. Recent events include attendance notes, and messages from teachers. Click on a link for more detailed information.

  4. The “My Account” tab contains the parent’s account information. A parent can change their name and add or remove phone numbers and email addresses. Parents of secondary students can choose to receive an attendance notification for unexcused absences. Elementary absence notifications are not sent out through ParentVUE.

  5. All screens contain logout, contact, and privacy links.

  6. Select a language at the bottom of the ParentVUE screen.

Screenshot of ParentVUE Home menu.



  1. The number of unread messages displays on the navigation bar.

  2. Click on the message row to view the details.  

Messages posted here will also arrive in the emails you provided during the account creation process.

Screenshot of ParentVUE Messages Menu Item



  1. The school calendar lists class assignments and school holidays. Use the options at the top of the calendar to filter the information displayed by Teacher/Class, Assignment Type, and if assignments are Missing, Due, or Scoreless. 

  2. Click the Day, Week, or Monthly icons to change the view.

  3. Click the link on the assignment to view the information associated with that assignment, including due date and points.  ParentVUE screen shot of Calendar information.



Attendance can be viewed in three areas – the Calendar view, Totals by Course, and Totals By Period.  

1.    The Calendar view displays a visual record of each recorded absence.


2.    The Totals by Course and Period section display attendance totals by course and period.  

3.    The attendance total by days can be viewed by clicking the Detail button to “On” in the Days of Attendance section. 


Screenshot of attendance image for ParentVUE.

Hover over a course in the Totals By Course section to view absence details.

Screenshot of ParentVUE Totals by Course section.

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.