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PSD Health and Wellness

Self-reporting your child for a positive COVID test just got easier than ever! Whether you are the parent of a preschool-aged child, or your student attends one of our Elementary or Secondary schools, you're covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I Do if My Student Tests Positive for COVID-19?
  • Isolate for five full days from symptom start date. The student remains home during this time.
  • Day 0 is the day that symptoms began or if the student was asymptomatic the day the positive test was collected.
When Can My Students Return to School after Testing Positive for COVID-19?
  • Students may return to school as soon as Day 6 if:
    • They are fever-free (without using fever-reducing medication) for at least 24 hours, and other symptoms are improving.
    • Are willing and able to wear a well-fitting mask at school and school activities for at least Days 6-10.
  • There is no requirement for students to test negative before returning to school. However, CDPHE Isolation Guidelines do offer an alternative timeline for masking at school. After Day 6, if a student tests negative twice, two days apart, they can attend school without a mask after their second negative test. Please note: If the student starts this testing process and continues to test positive after Day 10, they should continue to mask at school until the student has two negative tests, two days apart. To read more about testing guidance, visit
What if My Student is Unable or Unwilling to Wear a Mask?

If a student is unable or unwilling to wear a mask, they must remain out of school through day 10 or until they meet CDPHE testing criteria to end mask wear.

What Can My Student Do while Wearing a Mask at School Days 6-10?
  • Students Can
    • Remove their mask at lunch, as this should only be for a short period of time.
    • Participate in sports and PE classes if their mask is secure when around others and the student can do the exercise safely while masked.

  • Students Cannot
    • Engage in any activities where they cannot safely wear a mask.
    • Play musical instruments that would require the removal of their mask.
    • Sleep in a shared space with other students on a school-affiliated overnight trip. For additional information regarding overnight trips contact your school.
How Can My Student Access Learning Resources while They're Out Sick?
  • Please contact your student's school for assistance with learning resources.
  • Additional information can also be found on the Remote Learning section of the district website.
What if Other Students in My Household Are Experiencing COVID-like Symptoms?
  • If a student is experiencing COVID-like symptoms, see the PSD Flowchartfor guidance.
  • It is recommended (not required) that all symptomatic students be tested for COVID-19.
  • Free at-home tests can be requested at the front office of all PSD school sites.
  • If another PSD student in a shared household tests positive, please fill out another case report for that student.
Where Can I Get the Most Up to Date COVID-19 Information from the County?

The Larimer County Department of Health and Environment (LCDHE) has a Joint Information Center line for general COVID-19 questions. 970-498-5500 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) 


The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) COVID-19 isolation instructions can be found here:

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