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ParentVUE: Accessing PSD Forms through ParentVUE


There will be times when PSD requests Parents and Guardians to sign a waiver for their Student. In these cases, you can sign waivers right from your ParentVUE account, whether from a home computer, tablet, or even a smartphone.

Don't have a ParentVUE account? Check out our guide on getting started!


1. Log into your ParentVUE account

Orange highluight around login screen fields for User Name and Password. Blue Login button

2. Make sure you have the correct child selected (A), then click "PSD Forms and Applications" button (B).

Orange highlights and the letters A and B around picture of student and the PSD Forms and Applications button

3. Click on the "Forms" button.

Orange highlight around "Forms" button

4. You will now be taken to PSD Forms

5. From here, you will be able to access any waivers, consents, or opt-ins/outs available for your child. 


Ornage highlight around various opt in/out waivers, and other express permission forms.

Note: If you need to update a waiver for a different child, you must go back to ParentVUE and select the other child before continuing. 

Still Have Questions? Please reach out to your School for further troubleshooting and assistance. 


PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.